TiMe is MoNey

d FaVoriTe ClasS adVisoR

LuCky peOpLe

the TruTh !

DiD u KnOw ?!?!?!

8.6 is the first generation of bilingual class in as-shofa junior high school 2009/2010 year academy. We have passed the test to enter this amazing class. We thaught the test was difficult, but we’ve been here.

This class is located on the second floor on the junior high school building between 8.5 and girl rest room.

We’ve been together for almost 1 year. The students in here are the choosen students. All students in this class are smart and creative. There are 26 human in this class with 24 students and 2 class advisors.

The girls are 15 students, they are azijah, annisa, ditha, dinda, de2k, inka, nabilla, PJN, rizka, rinan, sabila, sarika, shofy, ullya, yusana. The girls is very very creative. (but lie) :D

and the boys are 9 students, they are farid, hery, imam, Ivan, Aby, Shandy, irfan ridho, thesar. The boys is very very solid.

We also call our class by FEIXLY ( Fantastic Eight sIX famiLY ), better than Fantastic 4 !!

----------> all member of FEIXLY

Do u WanT To knOw ?!?!?!

In the end of semester 1st we went to the bukitinggi for hunting foreigner. But not all of the students go there. We went from pekanbaru at 8 o’clock. We used 3 cars for this journey. We arrived at noon. After we arrrived, we went around bukittinggi to hunting foreigners. We divided into 4 groups,the groups have missions to hunting foreigners if not we did'nt allowed to got home.

The journey only 1 day, but we enjoyed the journey. We went to school at night. We arrived at 2 a.m.,after that we went to each house.

----------> with the foreigners

U MuSt knOw ?!?!?!

1. FEIXLY is lead by two class advisors. They are AISYAH SRI RITHMIATI (an English teacher) and SATRIA WADI (a biology teacher)


The Vice chairman of FEIXLY : M.IRFAN BIBRA


The Chamberlain of FEIXLY : RIZKA INDAYANI

3. FEIXLY has a plan to go to the Australia ! for a week.

4. FEIXLY is the busiest class in as-shofa.



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